Beef sirloin strips Stew Recipe


1.75 lb(750g) lean boneless beef sirloin

3 tbsp scallions, chopped in sections

1 tsp ginger, sliced

4 tbsp (60ml) soy sauce

1 tsp salt, or to taste

5 tsp rice wine

3 cloves star anise

1 tbsp cornstarch, dissovled in 1 tbsp water

5 tsp sesame oil


1. Soak the beef in cool water for 15mins. 

   Wash off any blood.

   Cook in boiling water to cover 10 mins.

   Remove, rinse, and drain.

2. Place in a pot with 4 cups(1 litre) of water, half the scallions, and 1/4 tsp of sliced ginger.

   Bring to a boil over high heat and skim off the foam.

   Cover tightly and reduce the heat to a low simmer.

   Cook for 2 to 3 hours, replenishing water if needed.

   When the beef is fork-tender, drain, reserving the cooking liquid.

   Let the meat cool enough to be handled.

   Trim the edges, discarding any fat and membranes.

   Cut across the grain into slices 3 inches long by 1 inch wide and 1/4 inch thick (8cm by 3cm by 5mm). 

3. Stack in a heat-proof bowl, and add 2 tbsp of the soy sauce, salt,rice wine, the rest of the scallions and ginger, the star anise, and the reserved cooking liquid.

   Place the bowl in a steamer and steam for 20 mins.

   Place the beef in a serving dish.

   Pour the stock into a wok.Heat the stock and add the remaining 2 tbsp of soy sauce.

   When it comes to a boil stir the cornstarch-water mixture and add.

   Cook, stir, until thickened. Sprinkle with sesame oil.

   Pour the sauce over the beef and serve.

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