Heat Intake Control

Heart Healthy Diet and Heat Control and Obesity

If we eat too much high heat foods suplus heat will turn into fat and store in our body. This will cause heart artery disease, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc.

To control heat intake, we must control daily meal gross quantity. How much should we eat each day? It's related to our age, gender, weight, height and the time we do pysical activity each day. Mypyramid gives you very good reference conveniently. Log on this webpage http://www.mypyramid.gov/mypyramid/index.aspx, just input related information you'll get daily diet guide.

Reasonable food construction is also important in heat intake control. Fat produces heat two times as that of protein and sugar. While unsaturated fat are healthy than saturated fat and trans-fat. So diet should eat low heat, high nutrient value and varied foods. For instance, eat olive oil and ocean fish (contain more unsaturated fat) in stead of animal fat such as butter or lard (which contain more saturated fat). Take belows as reference each day:

  • Trying not to eat animal oil such as butter and lard, using vegetable oil as cooking oil;
  • Eating a little lean meat or fish but don't eat too much, never eat fat;
  • Eating low-fat or skim milk instead of full-fat milkG
  • Eating some bean and bean products;
  • Eating some cereal which should cover about half of the whole meal. And half of the cereal intake should be coarse grain or whole wheat for people who are above 40 years old;
  • Don't eat high sugar foods and simple sugar;
  • Eating some vegetables and fruits.

Middle-aged and senior people are easy to get obesity as their digestive system becomes slow and they have less physical activities. So it's more important for them to control heat intake.

Most patients with coronary artery disease are over-weight, so many people mistakely think that obesity is one of the reasons to cause heart disease and so eating less could cure coronary heart disease. But excessive diet may cause malnutrition and hurt our health. Excessive diet may even cause myocardial infarction. This is because long time strict diet causes shortage of sugar and then causes changes of part of heart tissue. Even under the monitor of a doctor,it's also possible for a strict diet patient to get myocardial infarction. So obese patient with heart disease cannot go for a long term strict diet, and consult an expert if you want to go for a short term diet.

Heat intake assignment is also important during a day. Avoid eating too much in one meal, you can eat 4 to 5 meals a day. People used to eat a rich dinner at night. This is a very bad habit as we have less activities and our digestive system becomes inactive at night. The surplus of what we eat at dinner will become fat and store in our body. If we have 3 meals a day the reasonable heat assignment should be: 

  • Breakfast: 30-40%
  • Lunch: 40-50%
  • Dinner: 20-30%.

The three nutrients should be:

  • Protein: 13-15%
  • Fat: below 20%
  • Sugar: 65-70%(most should come from complex carbohydratesj

If you have hyperlipidemia you should reduce fat and sugar intake.

Never eat full, and never engorgement.

Eating too full makes much blood to accumulate in stomach and intestine, which cause the blood supply of heart and brain to decrease, and cardiac muscle lacks blood and oxygenC thus heart disease always happens after a satiety meal.

People with heart disease have low digestion, low detoxification and low vascular elasticity. Engorgement will cause angina and miocardial infarction.

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