Chinese Egg Drop Soup

Chinese Egg Drop Soup





Chinese egg drop soup is very popular soup both in Chinese home-made dishes and Chinese restaurant. The ingredients include egg,water/stock,vegetables. Popular Chinese egg drop soups are tomato egg drop soup, cucumber egg drop soup, seaweed egg drop soup,etc.

Chinese egg drop soup tastes fresh,smooth,and delicacy, usually served after main dish. Of course you can serve at any times during a meal, who cares?

Tomato Egg Drop Soup

Tomato Egg Drop Soup


2 tomatos,medium size,

1 egg,large

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon onions,chopped

1 teaspoon soy sauce

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sesame oil

4 cup water

1 tablespoon cornstarch


1. Clean tomato,cut into small pieces. Crack egg in a small bowl,beat well.Mix cornstarch with water, stir well.

2. Heat oil in a wok, add onions,tomato pieces,soy sauce,stir fry several times,cover, simmer until tomato becomes very soft and juice comes out.

3. Add water(best boiling water), bring to a boil,pour in mixed cornstarch,stir quickly.

4. Add salt,bring to a boil again,along the edge of the bowl,slowly slip in egg liquid, while stir the soup(let the egg liquid cook 0.1min each time before stiring) until all the egg liquid is poured in the soup.

5. Sprinkle sesame oil,stir well. Turn off heat,serve.

Note: If you don't like thick soup, then add less cornstarch and more water/stock.


Cucumber Egg Drop Soup


1 cucumber,medium

1 egg,large

1 tablespoon cornstarch

2 cup stock

2 cup water

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sesame oil


1. Clean cucumber,cut into thin flakes. Crack egg in a small bowl,beat well. Mix cornstarch with water,stir well.

2. Add stock and water in a saucepan,bring to a boil. Add cucumber,pour in mixed cornstarch, stir well.

3. Add salt, bring to a boil. Slip in egg liquid while stir the soup(let the egg liquid to be cooked 0.1mins each time before stiring) until all the egg liquid pouring in.

4. Sprinkle sesme oil, stir well. Turn off heat,serve.


Seaweed Egg Drop Soup

Seaweed Egg Drop Soup Seaweed Egg Drop Soup


1 egg,large

2 tablespoon seaweed,dried

1 tablespoon cornstarch

2 cup stock

2 cup water

1/3 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sesame oil


1. Crack egg in a samll bowl,beat well; Mix cornstarch with water,stir well.

2. Add water and stock in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Slowly slip in egg liquid while stir the soup(let egg liquid cook 0.1min each time before stiring) until all the egg liquid competely in the soup.

3. Add salt,seaweed,stir until all the seaweed spread evenly. Sprinkle sesame oil. Turn off heat,serve.

Note: You may add some vegetables if you like.

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