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Chinese diet, Cancer diet
March 15, 2010


Why Chinese and American have almost the same life span ?

20 years ago, one of my friend was studying for his Doctor Degree in America. His boss suggested that he should write a thesis regarding the lifespan of American and Chinese. The professor was curious that China had such lower life level, poor air, food pollution and no enough "good food"(such as milk,meat,etc.), but Chinese people have almost the same lifespan with that of American.

I don't know the search result of my friend's. But I think there are three reasons:

1st, the food industry is not so greatly industrialized, so there are not so much processed food in China. Meat is limited. People couldn't eat meat as much as they wanted at that time.(Now they have enough meat to eat but their health is getting worse).

2nd, thanks for the Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). Modern medicine studies how to treat disease. TCM is more like a way of lifestyle. It's a philosophy and already penetrates in Chinese people's daily life. TCM addresses how to prevent illness. For example,if the kid is exposed in the rain or the cold weather the mother will make some Ginger Brown Sugar Soup for him/her to avoid cold.

TCM helps Chinese people avoid many illness and the harm of medicine.

3rd, it's very important. Before China opens its door to the world(70s-80s), people had no much desire for the material. So they lived a quiet and spirit-happy life.

Maybe,as a westerner, if you can go back before industrialization times,eating coarse grain, very little processed food and not enough meat,have a quiet mind, then you will go away from obesity,heart disease,etc., and live a healthy life.




Anna's Nature Regimen and Recipe Express

-- Keep your life close to the nature


China's five-thousand years of culture and history reserved precious regimen. I'm digging out and would like to share with you. So this website,including this e-zine is not only about Chinese recipes, it's more about healthy life style.

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Issue #24

Table of Content:

1. Zangxiang theory- The Six Fu-organs - Stomach(10)

The six Fu-organs include gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder and the triple energizer. While five Zang-organs store Jing-Qi(essence), six Fu-organs are responsible for transforming and transporting food.

2. Cancer Diet Recipes

a. Mung bean soup - with Honeysuckle and chrysanthemum Tea

b. Purslane Salad Recipe - in Garlic Sauce Recipe

c. Whole Tangerine Drink

d. Radish Salad with Scallion Recipe

e. Panax Notoginseng Recipe

f. Hawthorn Cake Dessert recipe.

3. Farmer Market in China

What do the Chinese people are eating now? Take a look

4. Chinese Diet Principle

To eat right, you should consider your health condition,constitution, living environment,seasons,etc. Then,accordingly choose the food suitable for you. Each food has its nature: cold/cool, warm/hot; flavor: sour,sweat,bitter,pungent,salty; action on the meridian and related viscera(carrot on liver, black bean on kidney); movement(upward,downward,inward and outward);food match,etc.


1.Zangxiang theory- The Six Fu-organs- The Stomach(10)

The six Fu-organs include gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder and the triple energizer. Six Fu-organs are responsible for transforming and transporting food. That means they receive and digest food, absorb the nutrient and excrete the waste.

Six Fu-organs function well only when they are unobstructed and the Qi is descent.

The Stomach:

The physiological function of the stomach is to receive and digest food.

The stomach depends on the propelling of stomach-Qi to perform its function. The Chyme transformed in the stomach is transmitted to the small intestine. So the stomach governs descent.

Dysfunction of the stomach will lead to distending stomachache and poor appetite due to disharmony of stomach-Qi, or belching, vomiting, nausea and hiccup due to failure of stomach-Qi to descend or upward flow of stomach-Qi.

The stomach and the spleen is external and internal  relationship.


2. Cancer diet Recipes

Cancer diet is important in prevention and treatment.

Fresh fruit and vegetables (especially cruciferous) are tested to reduce cancer risk. But so far no enough evidence shows that any supplement has this kind of function. So the safest way is to eat a wide variety of vegetables but not antioxidant supplements such as beta-carotene, or lycopene, etc..

Cancer food list
Cancer prevention diet
Ovarian cancer diet
Breast cancer diet
Lung cancer diet
Cancer diet during treatment
Cancer Recipes

Here is the details:


3. Farmer Market In China

What does China Farmer Market look like?

What vegetables do the Chinese people eat?

Take a look here:


4. Chinese Diet Principle

Western diet is about eating less,about protein,fat, sugar and vitamin,etc.

Chinese diet is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). Western medicine studies how to treat disease. While TCM pays much attention on human being, studying the harmony relationship of man's internal and external environment.

In ancient China, the best doctors are those who can help people to prevent disease. The order to cure illness is that: food, Stone Needle(kind of Scraping Therapy and massage), acupuncture, wine, medicine. That is, when you feel uncomfortable the first thing you should do is to adjust your diet,eating the right food at the right time and portion. The medicine is the one which should considered last as all kinds of medicine are harmful. They can kill bad germ as well as good germ.

Food can keep our life as well as cure illness. Many diseases are caused by our bad eating habit such as eating too much, only eating one kind of food,drinking much iced water/juice, eating too much protein and fat containing food at dinner but no breakfast, etc. Thus,by right eating, health can come back.

So there are very valued study on food therapy in ancient China. To eat right, you should consider your health condition,constitution, living environment,seasons,etc. Then,accordingly choose the food suitable for you. Each food has its nature: cold/cool, warm/hot; flavor: sour,sweat,bitter,pungent,salty; action on the meridian and related viscera(carrot on liver, black bean on kidney); movement(upward,downward,inward and outward);food match,etc.

For example, if you are Yin deficiency, you'll have such symptoms: Feverish sensation over the five centers(palms, soles and chest), fidal fever, flushed cheeks,palpitation, dry mouth, constipation, night sweating,etc. The food you should eat should nourish Yin. They should be with sweat-cool/cold/neutral nature. Sweat-sour food can nourish Yin, and cool/cold food can clear away heat. Such food include:Millet,barley,small red bean; Chinese cabbage,spinach, white gourd, cucumber, naval bean, white fungus: Tofu, duck,egg,tortoise,clam;pear,orange, Chinese date,lily, lotus seed, watermelon,etc.

And of course, all deficiency people cannot eat too much very cold food.


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